Team Aruba won Gold & Silver at the Special Olympics 2019

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ORANJESTAD — It was a succesfull Special Olympics 2019 in Abu Dhabi for Aruba. Digicel as the main sponsor of the Special Olympics Team Aruba is very proud to have taken part in this great event. At the opening ceremony there were 60 thousand people in the stadium, this truly shows the support by the entire world to the special olympics.

From March 14th untill the 21st of 2019 a total of 7.000 athletes from 190 different countries in the world competed at this event. Aruba was also represented at these high level games. Digicel is proud to offer support to the special olympics through money donations, infrastructure support and fundraising events to make the participation of the athletes possible.

Lincoln Gomez, Director of Digicel Aruba, is happy to be supporting this organization since the first day Digicel opened her doors on the island. The athlete’s achievements in Abu Dhabi show the dedication, passion and commitment that the organization, the family and Digicel have towards the athletes. Digicel would like to congratulate the parents and family members that are always supporting them to push forward.

The results

Miguel Angel Berry 100 meter run GOLD

Miguel Angel Berry – Long Jump. GOLD

Yolanda Altagratia Perez Softball Throw SILVER

Jhorzy Arias Bowling Singles SILVER

Jhorzy Arias Double Bowling GOLD

Rashely Wester Diaz Bowling Singles SILVER

Rashely Wester Diaz Double Bowling GOLD

Mildred Every Woman Single SILVER

Johny Perez Badminton Man Single Bronze

Soccer – Group 1 – GOLD: The soccer team won their final game 1-0 against Iceland and Jean Baptiste Woodeney became the goal-getter of the championship with 10 goals in 5 matches.

petanque- Marileen Angela – 4th (Singles)

petanque – Eugene Dirks – 5th

The other 22 countries with participating athlete’s also sponsored by Digicel for the Special Olympics are: Antigua, Barbados, Bermuda, Bonaire, Cayman, Dominica, El Salvador, Fiji, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Nauru, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago y Vanuatu.

Digicel would like to congratulate the entire delegation and each and every athlete that took part to this event. Digicel aruba will continue investing in the preparations and provide the necessary aid to the Special Olympics Aruba. q