Smoking around the area of hospital Dr. Horacio Oduber is forbidden

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(Oranjestad)—Yesterday morning the minister of Tourism and Health, Dangui Oduber, along with board director of the hospital (HOH), Jacco Voegop and board member Gregory Croeze, held a press conference to further discuss this new development at the local hospital.

Minister Oduber pointed out that this is an example for all government companies and institutions. It is an important step in the implementation of the National Ordinance Restricting Tobacco Products (AB2016 no.41).

As it is already known, this lay had been implemented on May 2nd, 2022. This law prohibits the people under 21 years of age from buying or consuming tobacco products, or to work in near places that sell tobacco products. Additionally, the law prohibits smoking in a building of public area.

For this reason, HOH decided to implement this law in which they will be reinforcing a ban on smoking cigarettes, electric cigarettes or any other type of product that contains tobacco on the premises of the hospital, LABHOH and Blood Bank, as well as inside the building and parking lots.

The minister stated that this prohibition is one the important aspects in Aruba’s plan for disease prevention, and which dedicates in the improvement of life, services and health for the Aruban community.

Jacco Voegop pointed out that “HOH, LABHOH and Blood Bank focuses on providing better care and service to our patients and clients. The health of the workers, patients and visitors is our priority. This is why we had made the decision to make the hospital completely smoking-free, because we are the ambassadors of health on the island.”

The hospital has been working hard to provide information and offer workers interested coaching sessions with lung specialists to stop smoking. Moreover, they are also working on a plan to figure out how bring the best service and care to patients admitted at the hospital that may have an addiction to any tobacco product.

It is important to mention that the law prohibits people from smoking in public places. In case there is smoking around the hospital area, Gregory Croeze insured that there will be personnel on the premises to stop this. In the worst case scenario, the hospital will contact local authorities to remove the smoker from the premises, as this can risk the hospital in getting fined.