Reminder from the Department of Public Health to all establishments that sell food and/or alcohol

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The Department of Public Health calls on everyone who sells food and/or drinks to take the following into account:

  • As stipulated in the Personnel Decree on Commodities Regulation, all persons who sell food and/or alcohol must be in possession of a health certificate (green card). The Health Declaration must be valid and visible to all those responsible for the Public Health Service;
  • Replacements of the Declaration of Health will not be accepted;
  • The facility must meet all hygiene standards, namely:
  1. Cleanliness/cleanliness;
  2. food separation;
  3. all foods must be well cooked;
  4. the food must be at the right temperature;
  5. clean, safe water must be used.

If the above requirements are not met during the inspection, the Directorate of Public Health may impose a fine if deemed necessary.

Persons who need to apply for or renew their health certificate can make an appointment online via the website of the Public Health Service:

For more information, please contact the Department of Commodities Inspection and Sanitary Inspection (Hygienic Service) of the Department of Public Health at telephone 5224273 / 5224274 / 5224275 / 5224279 or by e-mail: .