Prime Minister meets with statistical agencies CBS of Aruba and United Nations Statistics Division in New York

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ORANJESTAD – On February 10, Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes met with the representatives of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the United Nations Statistics Division in New York, the United Nations agency that handles Statistical Systems

The data and information are not from individual persons but are categorized groups, for example, the number of women per age group, young men per age group, and the number of births taking place. The last data helps to determine the number of necessary schools in the future.

The government bases many of its policy decisions on data. However, not all data is always available. CBS together with the U.N. agency, but also in the framework of the landspakket with the Netherlands, received financing for this project. Both institutes informed the Prime Minister of the developments and work activities to realize and finalize this project.

Besides the statistical systems development, the needed laws, for example, to protect the surveys or censuses participants by avoiding misuse, will be amended. Because when you have digitalized statistics, there may be a danger of data breach, namely unauthorized or illegal viewing not intended for them. They will draft the law this year and complete it at the end of the year. It will protect the centralized data of individuals in his system.