Out of more than 20 participants, Hyro Oduber won the ‘plane spotting’ competition at the airport

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On the 15th of October, Aruba Airport Authority NV (AAA) proudly organized its third Spotter’s Day. Since 2018, Aruba’s airport recognized that there is a great interest in plane spotting on our island. More and more spotters tag Aruba’s airport in their pictures, and for this reason, in 2018 the first Spotter’s Day took place.

Due to the great interest received, it was decided to make Spotter’s Day an annual event. After two years of absence, this year all spotters were invited to apply to take part in Spotters Day.

Interest was great, with 23 spotters participating, including one from Bonaire. Out of the 23 spotters, more than 40 images were received from different angles and showing different airlines. The selected group had to attend the necessary safety training at the airport of Aruba before the event took place, to guarantee that every participant was aware of the safety procedures at the airport when they were airside to take their pictures.

As part of the Spotter’s Day, every spotter got the opportunity to send their three best pictures to the team at the airport. The pictures were available from the 16th until the 25th of November on the Facebook page of the airport for a voting competition among the followers of the airport, however, in spite of likes, the airport had some requirements that needed to be fulfilled, one of which was that it was not allowed to make external changes to the image through Photoshop, to keep the competition as fair as possible among the participants.

There were two categories, Photography Contest and Instagram Reel Contst.

The results for Photography were:
First place Hyro Oduber;
Second place Huzam Koolman;

Third place Aschwin Maduro;

Most creative Aschwin Maduro.

The results for Instagram Reels were:
First place Rashyd Maduro;
Second place Patrick Jansen;

Third place Pedro Partidas.

For the airport of Aruba it is important to continue encouraging spotters to practice their talent, to create a connection that can continue being creative in the future. The Aruba airport is proud to be able to work with so many who have love and passion for aviation, and it is important to have a good relation with each of them. It is an honor to be able to award the spotters’ talents as well as creating a positive impact in the community.

Regarding Aruba Airport

AUA Airport is one of the busiest airport in the Caribbean region, with more than 22 airlines operating for Aruba contributing to over 2.5 million passengers per year (before Covid) and with different flights to 28 different destinations around the world. AUA Airport operates steadily with more than 95 percent f visitors coming for vacation, of which 76 percent are from the United States and Canada, 9 percent from Latin America, 8 percent from Europe and 4 percent from the Dutch Caribbean until June 2022.

AUA Airport recognizes and thanks the stable economy, political climate, hospitality, diverse population and general safety of our island. AUA Airport continues expanding and improving its facilities to maintain its position as one of the most innovative airports in the region.

Find out more about AUA Airport by visiting www.airportaruba.com and connect with AUA Airport on Twitter.com/Aruba_Airport, Facebook.com/ArubaAirport, Instagram.com/arubaairport/ and Linkedin.com/ArubaAirport.