Orange Fund starts search for winners Apples of Orange 2022; This year’s theme is Equality of opportunity for all young people

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The Orange Fund is today starting the search for special projects that have a chance of winning an Appeltje van Oranje 2022. This year’s theme is Equality of Opportunity for all young people. Opportunity inequality is an urgent problem in our society, which has become larger due to the corona crisis. This year the Oranje Fonds wants to draw attention to projects that successfully tackle this problem, because they deserve support and recognition. Organizations can register up to and including 30 September for a chance to win an Appeltje via Three initiatives will receive the prizes from King Willem-Alexander in May 2022.

Unfortunately, it is not self-evident that all young people have the same opportunities. The inequality between different groups of young people is increasing, according to various studies. Due to the corona crisis, the problems have increased and become more visible. Young people find themselves in extra pressure due to the loss of education, internships, (permanent) work, income, structure and social contacts. They experience more stress at home, are affected by, for example, increased domestic violence, feel isolated and lose perspective. New groups of young people who are vulnerable are also emerging.

Invisible wall

According to a 2019 report by the Social and Cultural Planning Office on opportunities and obstacles among young people, there is a threat of an ‘invisible wall’ between young people with and without aids. Some can take advantage of opportunities, others encounter barriers. In this way, young people with sufficient economic and social capital have more opportunities to capitalize on their opportunities. Social capital is becoming increasingly important here: people with the right network get further in life. Matters such as education and origin – where were you born, who are your parents, where do they come from and what do they do – play a role in this, as do (unconscious) prejudices, exclusion and discrimination.


Fortunately, there are many organizations that are committed to giving all young people equal opportunities. And the Oranje Fonds is looking for those special projects that young people use to help their peers further. To give them the recognition they deserve. Think of a buddy project that connects young people, an initiative that allows young refugees to meet peers or a project that offers support to LGBTIQ+ young people with the help of young volunteers. Tipping an organization or directly registering an organization as a candidate can now be done via

The prices

The Appeltjes van Oranje are awarded annually to three initiatives that successfully connect different groups of people or that ensure that people participate in society again. All winners of an Appeltje van Oranje receive a bronze statue, made by Princess Beatrix, and a cash prize of 25,000 euros. Queen Máxima presents the prizes every year. In lustrum years this is done by King Willem-Alexander. This year it is the 20th time that the Appeltjes van Oranje are awarded.

The Appeltjes van Oranje are awarded annually to three initiatives that successfully connect different groups of people or that ensure that people participate in society again. All winners of an Appeltje van Oranje receive a bronze statue, made by Princess Beatrix, and a cash prize of 25,000 euros. Queen Máxima presents the prizes every year. In lustrum years this is done by King Willem-Alexander. This year it is the 20th time that the Appeltjes van Oranje are awarded.