Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa: Celebrating Health Week 2019

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The health and wellness oriented Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa celebrated their Employee’s Health Week this month. During this week the resort together with their employees focused on a healthy lifestyle and celebrated their employees.

The week was packed with meaningful and health motivating activities, which started off with sunrise yoga on Monday morning by certified yoga instructor Manja in the beautiful beach pavilion, followed by guest speaker Artur Comenencia regarding the subject Gambling and Addiction. The kick off ended with a walkathon along majestic Eagle Beach. During the week interesting topics were discussed as Healthy Budgeting and Healthy Living. On Thursday all employees got the chance to measure their blood pressure and overall health by the White Yellow Cross. A wide selection of healthy food options were offered during lunch break. Friday was the most active morning with an off road bike tour crossing the back roads of Alto Vista Chapel. The week ended with a fun filled family day at Parke Arawa.

Manchebo provides a variety of activities to keep the body moving and the mind calm. Yoga and Pilates classes are offered daily and health and wellness retreats fill the calendar. Yoga, fitness, health and wellness experts are traveling from around the world to Manchebo offering its guests a unique and healthy vacation option. q