Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation will participate in the “Appeltje van Oranje”

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Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation (HCLF) is one of the 10 candidates from the Dutch Caribbean that can win the prestigious ‘Appeltje van Oranje’. The theme of this year is ‘fighting loneliness together’ and HCLF’s initiative ‘Heart-Centered Impact Coaches’ has been selected as one of the candidates. This is the second time in two years that HCLF will be part of Appeltje van Oranje after reaching the final round in 2022.

Appeltje van Oranje is an annual award that recognizes initiatives in the Dutch kingdom that make a difference in the community. Each year, it recognizes and rewards 3 initiatives in the social area that are creative and unique, standing for inclusivity and an involved society.

The theme of this year puts emphasis on initiatives working together to combat loneliness. HCLF’s initiative, Heart-Centered Impact Coaches, is among the candidates highlighted for their efforts to combat loneliness among young people. The group of coaches consists of adult volunteers between 18 and 30 years old who undergo training and support young people during various interactive activities organized by HCLF.

The phase of youth is not an easy one. A young person encounters many challenges in their growth that hinder their complete formation into an authentic adult, firm in their support and engaged in society. One of the challenges is that even if they have a large group of friends, a young person can still feel lonely. The feeling of loneliness can lead to mental health challenges. For the young person who feels lonely, without anyone to connect with, the coaches provide attention and a listening ear without judgment.

The difference in the initiative lies in the connection that the Heart-Centered Impact Coaches create with young people and among themselves as young adults. With young people, they ensure a safe space for self-expression and an inclusive environment to support each other. For themselves as young adults, they meet other volunteers who share the same purpose or goal, form connections, exchange experiences and opportunities, and motivate each other to be the best version of themselves. An example of their motivation and connection is how they come up with activities for young people and for themselves, such as a mindfulness hike and a personal growth session for young people.

Heart-Centered Impact Coaches have been present in more than 30 sessions for young people, helping HCLF reach 400 young people with its programs in 2023. In the first 4 months of 2024, the Heart-Centered Impact Coaches have already connected with young people in 20 sessions.

HCLF is excited that its initiative is being considered for the Appeltje van Oranje award. It is a recognition of the valuable work that the foundation and its Heart-Centered Impact Coaches are doing to combat loneliness among young people. HCLF is confident that the work its Heart-Centered Impact Coaches are doing is helping to create a more connected and inclusive community, where every young person feels valued and empowered.

About HCLF:

Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation (HCLF) is a foundation established in 2008 with the goal of inspiring and empowering young people in Aruba. Since 2012, the foundation has been offering various workshops, activities, and seminars where young people have the opportunity to develop their character and skills, strengthening their personal and professional development.