Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation helps young adults make their dreams come true

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(Oranjestad)—The Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation (HCLF) promotes opportunities for young adults between 18 and 29 years old to start a training journey as a volunteer, where they from part of the foundation during its activities for teenagers of 13 to 17 years of age.

These volunteers that do brave work with HCLF are called Heart-Centered Impact

Coaches (HCIC) and they contribute in the organization’s goal to empower and inspire young people. A HCIC is able to communicate, motivate and provide support for young people on a social and academic level during workshops, seminars and other HCLF activities. This opportunity allows young adults to form connections and make a positive impact in someone’s life. Personal and professional development is crucial for a young adult to get to know their skills and purpose that will further guide them in the future.

Meet fellow HCLF volunteer, Alyeska Lake, better known by her nickname “Aly”. She is a 26-year-old young woman raised in San Nicolas, and who now lives in The Netherlands, where she just completed her Masters in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist at Leiden University. Alyeska shared her experience as a Heart-Centered Impact Coach, which helped her become the version of herself she always dreamed of.

How was your experience as a volunteer at HCLF?

“I always enjoyed my time with HCLF and I have no regrets. My favorite memory at HCLF is the sense of belonging I got and the family that I made from the moment I started doing voluntary work. I connected deeply with other volunteers and members of staff during various activities and social moments that are designed for the development of both volunteers and staff. I always felt proud after talking to the teens during school activities. A moment that stood out for me was when I assisted as a group leader during the Impact Cafés at John Wesley High school, Filomena College Mavo and Abraham de Veer High school. This was when we discussed the topic of mental health. The sessions were very interactive and the teens could feel comfortable to share their thoughts on the matter and other related points about mental health.

How did volunteering at HCLF impact your personal and professional life?

“I discovered that I had more skills that I initially thought. With the support from HCLF, I had the opportunity to develop more skills and talents, and also put these in practice.”

“I see myself as a dreamer with big ambitions. To be able to have the skills to visualize these dreams is one of my biggest goals, and this is thanks to HCLF. Getting to know myself better really helped my mentality and the direction that I want to go in life—personally and professionally. I know exactly who I am, who I want to be, where I want to go, what I want to do and with whom. I believe I already had this in me, but it was through the challenges that HCLF gave me that I was able to realize my full potential and take action.”

What is the most valuable part of volunteering at HCLF?

“The most valuable part is that HCLF recognizes you for who you are, not for what you show them. They see you as a whole person and your potential.”

Would you recommend other young adults to volunteer at HCLF?

“If you want to be a part of a group that does meaningful work in the lives of teens from San Nicolas, and at the same time want to make significant impact in your own life, join the Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation as a volunteer.”

Did Alyeska’s experience motivate you to become a Heart-Centered Impact Coach? If you are between 18 and 29 years old, like to give back to the community and are interested in further developing your personal and professional life, please contact HCLF at 5841211 (Whatsapp) or send an e-mail at hclfaruba@gmail.com.