Happy Island miracles in pictures & words

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Books, they can shake your world upside down. A good book is changing your mood like that perfect vacation spot that energizes your spirit. Take these two together and what you get is a vacation book, a memory of that wonderful, heavenly place where you spent your valuable leisure time. Aruba Today dived into a local book store and wondered what Aruba books blow the visitor’s mind. Sylvia Wouters, store manager at Bruna Book Store, gladly helped us out and informed us about a small selection of Happy Island miracles in pictures and words.

Bird Wildlife of Aruba Hardcover by Greg Peterson.
Popular book that gives an overview of Aruba’s birds together with descriptions. The book contains full page photographs of over two hundred species of birds taken in Aruba’s wildlife. A checklist, for scientific and educational purposes, is at the end of the book containing the names of all bird species that can be found in Aruba. Where possible, the status (resident, migrant, and vagrant, introduced) and abundance (common, fairly common, uncommon, scarce, and rare) of the particular bird species will be added to the checklist.

We Are Aruba by Linda Reijnders.
Worldly life tales of islanders that come from 76 different countries. This is a book that tells the stories of immigrants who make up for the multicultural society that Aruba is. A world within an island, a cocktail of people. The book is visibly enriched with a picture of each interviewed immigrant and an image of her/his country as well as a map with the country’s location. In the back you will find a list with all nationalities living in the island and their numbers.