Goodwill & Emerald Ambassadors at Casa del Mar Beach Resort

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Recently, Sharicia Hasham and Marouska Heyliger had the great pleasure to honor a big group of Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Goodwill Ambassador and Emerald Ambassador. The Goodwill Ambassador is presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to the guests who visit Aruba 20 years and more consecutively. The Emerald Ambassador is presented to guests who visit Aruba 35 years and more consecutively.

The honorees were a big happy family that comes from Costa Rica and calls Aruba their ‘home away from home’. The honorees were: Felipe Pozvelo and Nicole Aguilar together with Antonio Pozvelo, Daniel Pozvelo, and jr. Felipe Pozvelo. Monique Aguilar together with Pia Gonzalez, Alejandro Gonzalez and Michele Gonzalez. Alvaro Aguilar, Michele Aguilar, and Erick Aguilar Ratton.

Mrs. Nicole Aguilar, Mrs. Monique Aguilar, Mrs. Michele Aguilar, and Mr. Erick Aguilar started coming to Aruba since 1977 and have been visiting the island since then. Throughout the years, they participated in many activities the island has to offer. Seeing that Aruba is a very safe island, the Aguilar family began to visit the island with additional family members.

Upon asking the family ‘Why Aruba?” the younger generation Ms. Pia Gonzalez together with siblings Alejandro and Michele stated they really enjoy going to the beach to dive while their parents are enjoying sun tanning on the beautiful Aruba beaches. The Emerald Ambassadors stated, while there on Aruba they relax better than ever! Both Ambassadors agreed that the hospitality they receive from the locals and from the hotel employees is astonishing. Nonetheless, the age gap they all enjoy their vacation in their own unique way, meaning that Aruba is for everyone!

From the Aruba Tourism Authority, Visitor Care Liaison Ms. Marouska Heyliger and Communications Specialist Assistant Ms. Sharicia Hasham together with the representatives of Casa del Mar Beach Resort, Resort Manager Mr. Bob Curtis, and Ms. Vanessa Burke from the Activities department a special Goodwill Ambassador Award and Emerald Ambassador Award was presented to certificate the honorees. They were acknowledged for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination.q