Full laughter at Aruba Ray Ellin’s phenomenal show: Top American standup comics give fantastic performance

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The “Aruba Ray’s Comedy” show features some of the funniest American standup comedians in a terrific 90-minute show, and Aruba Today was there and had a blast. The show is now on at the Holiday Inn Resort Aruba from January 9th until February 13th. It all begins and ends with host Ray Ellin. You will be amazed with his quick wit, sharp tongue and hilarious observations of the public, memorizing every targeted person in the audience throughout the whole show. Three top comedians took care of a full laughter show where you forget all your worries and walk out with a happy smile.

Celebrating six years of Excellence in Aruba, Aruba Ray’s Comedy is the number one rated Night Time Activity on TripAdvisor, the number one rated Show on TripAdvisor, and the number one rated Fun Activity on TripAdvisor. The show was named as one of USA Today’s “10 Best”. This is the same caliber show you would find at the top comedy clubs in NYC. The line-up is truly some of the best and hottest comedians from the United States. This wonderful show is the best way to spend a night out “off-the-town”; so to speak.

Line-up during our visit was Dan Naturman, finalist on America’s Got Talent, Tony V from CBS’ “The Late Show”, Christine Hurley from “Last Comic Standing” and all three were simply the greatest in their own identical style. The setting is great in which you are seated close to the stage thus being able to see the mimics of the comedian, in the case of Hurley a must because she makes the funniest faces. The dry humor of Naturman, the rude jokes of Hurley and the ‘let’s have a chat’ way of Tony V all rocked. Ellin is a great host, welcoming the audience personally at the entrance and waving them out after the show. We felt truly relaxed and happy after two hours of gut-busting laughter and forgetting everything else.

This month the comedians that climb the stage will be Jim Colliton, Jimmy Dunn, Ophira Eisenberg, Lenny Clarke and Tony V.

Ray Ellin is considered by his peers to be the best host in NYC, Ray is also known as “Aruba Ray” because of his passion for Aruba. Ray has been coming to Aruba every month for the past seven years, where he produces and hosts these incredible comedy shows. Already popular in New York, the comedian has brought his talent and some of his colleagues to Aruba.


Catch the show nightly at 8:30pm until February 13th in Holiday Inn Resort Aruba. Doors open at 8pm. Check out Aruba Today newspaper to keep track of the schedule. You may also find updates at www.ArubaComedy.com.