FPNA invites stakeholders to participate in the stakeholder engagement process of Parke Marino Aruba

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Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) announces that the consultation process with stakeholders will intensify in the coming months with several informative evenings, a survey, and (interactive) workshops.

The results of these consultations will contribute to the final management plan for Parke Marino Aruba, which will not only focus on the main objective of nature conservation but will also the integration of social and economic interests.

The informative evening will be repeated on different days and at various locations, allowing all interested parties to participate. The informative evenings will take place on:

  • Thursday, August 19th, 2021, at the Visitor Centre of Parke Nacional Arikok;
  • Saturday, August 21st, 2021, at MFA Savaneta;
  • Tuesday, August 24th, 2021, at Centro di Bario Playa Pabao;
  • Thursday, August 26th, 2021, in San Nicolas (location still to be determined).

Should demand exceed location capacity, FPNA will organize additional consultations.

The stakeholders that already expressed their interest or have a crucial role concerning Parke Marino Aruba, were invited to attend one of these evenings. FPNA invites all interested residents of Aruba to partake in the informative evening. Due to current Covid-19 measures, and to ensure everyone’s health and safety, we request interested individuals to first register via our digital registration form or by telephone (585-1234 ext. 228).

In addition to the information evenings, FPNA will also publish a survey via our Facebook page and website. FPNA encourages every resident of Aruba to complete this survey to contribute to the future of Parke Marino Aruba. After the informative evenings and survey, the stakeholder engagement process will continue with an interactive workshop for a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) from a nature conservation perspective. This interactive workshop will take place in September. With the results from the survey, informative evenings, and SWOT analysis, FPNA will also organize an interactive workshop where various stakeholders will be able to discuss the zoning and regulation for the four areas of Parke Marino Aruba. This workshop will take place in November. The results from all the sessions, together with results from biophysical research e.g., on the presence and health of corals, seagrasses, and other marine life, will be taken into account while finalizing the 5-year management plan for Parke Marino Aruba (2022-2026). Before completion of the management plan, the zoning and regulatory component will be made available for inspection in January 2022, allowing each interested party to read and give feedback on this section. After processing and responding to all feedback received, the official management plan will be published.

In addition to all organized engagement sessions, FPNA always remains available for a consultation on request. For consultation and more information about Parke Marino Aruba, please contact marinepark@arubanationalpark.org.