Dog Control Center with microchipping pilot project

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Recently, the Dog Control Center started its microchipping pilot project. The aim is to increase the adoption rate in Aruba.

The Dog Control Center has its adoption requirements for the owner. One of these requirements is to chip and sterilize the adopted pet and bring the proof hereof within two months. This measure is to ensure that the owners are accountable for their pets.

By sterilizing and microchipping, one will help control the dog and cat population. Currently, the pilot project focus is on microchipping. Microchipping is for the dogs adopted through the Dog Control Center at the availability and evaluation of the government veterinary. The pilot project also serves as the test phase of the digital registration system that is in the process of being officially launched.

The project is still in its planning phase. The Dog Control Center is still meeting with stakeholders, veterinarians, and Ngo’s. The government aims to launch a national information campaign in the upcoming months.