Citizens of Aruba received the Royal Award

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The Governor of Aruba, His Excellency Alfonso Boekhoudt, awarded a Royal honor to Mrs. D.L. Antonette (Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau), Mr. G.M. Peterson (Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau), Mr. R.I. Kan (Member in the Order of Oranje-Nassau) and Mr. L.F. Schmidt (Member in the Order of Oranje-Nassau).

The Order of Orange-Nassau is a civil and military Dutch order of chivalry founded on 4 April 1892 by the Queen regent Emma, acting on behalf of her under-age daughter Queen Wilhelmina. The order is a chivalric order open to “everyone who has earned special merits for society”

The presentation took place as part of the annual ribbon shower that took place on Friday 26 April. Because the aforementioned decorated people could not be present, they have now received their Royal Award from the hands of the Governor.