Beach Volleyball to Help Local Community

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EAGLE BEACH – Michelle Begin is from Ottawa, Canada, and is a truly loyal visitor of our Happy Island for the last 38 years. She is not the standard tourist though, Michelle, alias ‘Ms. Canada,’ has a heart for the people of Aruba. She dedicates her time here for raising funds for those who need support. “It makes me happy to see other people happy. To make a difference in somebody’s life is my drive. I have always done charity work, I have the need to give. It’s in my nature.” Join her good-hearted initiative this Sunday, by participating in the 8th Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament at Eagle Beach. All funds raised will benefit several foundations and good causes.

The foundation Ambiente Feliz, a residential home for mentally disabled above 18-years-old is one of the beneficial foundations. The foundation contributed to the kitchen of Cas di Machi, a senior citizen home, and they bought football shoes and balls for the football club FC San Nicolas for their little ones. Mrs. Palmer & MS. Canada’s Soup Kitchen receives donations to continue providing their delicious soups to those who do not have enough to fill their stomachs. “Especially children are our target group, because there should be no child suffering from an empty stomach,” says Michelle. By purchasing a ticket for the Beach Volleyball Tournament you support the above mentioned institutions, but MS has many more goals to achieve. Join hands in this tournament to support the local community and do good for those in need!

Generous Community
Michelle’s story began when she fell in love with the island 38 years ago. “I came here for vacation and 31 years long I enjoyed the people, restaurants and beaches.

I had no idea there was such a need in social aspect, I did not expect the poverty I encountered. We tourists do not go further than the high rise zone and that is a shame. If we just give 1 percent of our vacation expenses to support good causes, we keep this island happy for everybody. Just see what you can do for seniors or children, don’t close your eyes.” For her it all changed when she participated in the Carnaval Parade years ago. That’s where she met the locals and realized there was a high need for support. “I did not know about the children’s home Casa Cuna but my first year I bought for $1,000 dollars clothes, toys and so on.”

She felt empowered and came up with the idea of the Beach Volley tournament. “I needed teams and put banners in hotels, I asked different organizations and businesses for food, snacks, and drinks. The sponsors are simply great. If I would have to have paid for all the catering, no money would have been left for the people. We have a generous community, thank God.”

The Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament will take place Sunday, March 10th, 2019 at Eagle Beach, in front of La Cabana at 11 AM. There are attractive prizes to win. The presentation of the check and the prize drawing event will be April 10th at 6 PM at the Hard Rock Café. There is more information on the Facebook page at Ms Canada’s Charity in Aruba or email q