Bartender Gaby Morales Retires with a Toast to his Future Success and New Endeavors

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The Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino hosted an informal gathering in celebration of veteran bartender Gaby Morales, retiring from service after 28 years. Morales was presented with a bouquet of fresh flowers, a letter of appreciation and a gift card at the socially distanced toast to his future success and new endeavors.

The gathering at Mira Solo bar was attended by General Manager Vasco Baselli, Director of Human resources Glenn Farro and resort department heads. Baselli thanked Morales for his years of mixology, creating hundreds of fancy Caribbean cocktails each day, at Mira Solo Bar and at Castaways, home of the resort’s signature cocktail, the Aruba Ariba.

Gaby is leaving a legacy behind, a tropical, frozen, tall drink, the Natural Bridge, a recipe he personally handed over to the next generation. The Natural Bridge, his original creation, was an award winning cocktail at a local mixing completion, made with white Rum, Coconut Cream, CrĂšme de Banane, Poncho Crema with a heart of Blue Curacao — a true crown pleaser. Morales shared he decided the time has come to take a more active part in his 6 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren’s lives, by spending quality time with them, including off-road biking. Baselli, took advantage of the opportunity to acknowledge Morales’ achievements: “I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the hard work and professionalism that you have demonstrated over the past years at our beloved hotel,” he said. “Your commitment and dedication have always been an inspiration to your colleagues, supervisors and managers, who will certainly miss working with you. During your time at our hotel you have lived through many changes and challenges and have always risen to meet them while exceeding guests’ expectations. You represent what has always defined this resort, the warmth and genuine hospitality of its Team Members. As you start a new chapter in your life, we congratulate you, and wish to extend a heartfelt Masha Danki, for a job well done.”

Executive Chef Matt Boland put together delicious, individual snack platters pairing them with sparkling wine flutes, as team members shared anecdotes and stories wishing Morales health and longevity, as he starts his exciting adventure of being retired to enjoy the fruits of their labor, and his hobbies. Pictured here snapshots from a memorable afternoon.