Aruba’s name shines in international competition for incentive travel

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During the month of April, during the SITE Global Conference 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Aruba’s name shined when the company HMI Performance Incentives won a “Crystal Award” for the social project they conducted here on our Island.

HMI Performance Incentives, organized for their client Manning Building Supplies, made a donation to Fundacion Pa Nos Comunidad (FNPC) during their visit as an incentive group in Aruba last year. With this donation around 40 families in Aruba were provided with food products and hygiene products for a whole month. During the visit, the participants had the opportunity to package the products at the hotel so these could later be handed over to Fundacion Pa Nos Comunidad (FNPC). Many of the 300 participants of this travel shared that they felt a special connection with this proyect during their stay.

The effort of all these amazing people contributed to this social project. At the same time, the positive Impact on Aruba that this traveling group made, led to them wining this prestigious award in the incentive traveling industry. Aruba’s name shined during the award presenting ceremony in the presence of more than 500 professionals in the industry.

Aruba Convention Bureau is very proud of this achievement, due to the fact that it shows that as a destination from incentive groups, Aruba offers different opportunities to any participants, such as beautiful experiences in social corporate responsibilities. Aruba Convention Bureau believes that by incorporating these social incentives like these we can bring many benefits to the community as well as the company and its employees. Aruba Convention Bureau created a guide for social corporate responsibilities and promotes this with the goal of creating opportunities for the groups in this industry.

Aruba Convention Bureau thanks all the local associates and partners who made this possible. Congratulations to Fundacion Pa Nos Comunidad as well as Hyatt Regency Resort and De Palm Tours DMC for this achievement.