Aruba is going to celebrate the 4th Multicultural Encounter in San Nicolas

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Once again this year, San Nicolas will be the epicenter of art and culture in Aruba, where on Sunday, May 19th, it will start with a gastronomic fair and multicultural show, and on May 21st, there will be a Peace and Unity parade.

This encounter is related to the “World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development” declared by UNESCO, the Ministry of Culture of Aruba together with the Department of Culture of Aruba, the Consular Corps, UNESCO Aruba, Artisa, and artistic groups, Cultural Folklore established in Aruba from different countries such as Colombia, the Netherlands, India, Italy, Jamaica, Peru, the Philippines, Santo Domingo, Suriname, Venezuela, and others besides Aruba, will bring their unique presentations.

This project, created in 2021, aims to create bonds of unity, generate integration, and share with each other the greatest richness of Aruba, which is our multiculturalism. In the past, it has already been celebrated for 15 consecutive years under the name of ‘Multicultural Fair’, which took place on October 12th, which is ‘Columbus Day’.

Moreover, it is a platform where every country has the opportunity to celebrate its culture in a spirit of gratitude and meet each other in unity and harmony contributing to the peace and unity of all the peoples of the world.

Likewise, it is to create a peaceful coexistence environment, where respect, tolerance, and freedom of artistic and cultural expression are highlighted, to then continue promoting this, presented in combination with a multidisciplinary cultural exchange show, a gastronomic and craft exhibition, creating a space where artists of all genres can demonstrate their talent and express to the present audience, all the artistic potential that exists in Aruba.

Through the “Aruba Multicultural Encounter”, the Department of Culture of Aruba pushes to stimulate the people of Aruba to continue working, living, feeling, and preserving the cultural heritage, both material and non-material. Protect the cultural heritage and legacy of each nationality and thus create a space to share the cultural richness of all the people living in Aruba.

The central theme this year is: “Elevate the Aruban to the height of his culture and learn about others, the richness of our country is our multiculturalism.”

Photo courtesy of the Department of Culture’s Facebook Page.