The 1st public dialogue by the University of Aruba: Building Blocks for Sustainable Governance

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ORANJESTAD — On Wednesday March 6th, the Aruba Institute for Good Governance and Leadership (*GG&L) organizes its first public dialogue on core themes of Good Governance. In this keynote lecture, ‘Building Blocks for Sustainable Governance’, Armand Hessels will discuss what the characteristics and costs are of ‘poor’ or ‘bad’ governance. After this he will shift his focus to the transformation towards good governance and on the roadmaps that may bring us there. After the keynote lecture, the dialogue will continue with a contribution by Carlos Guiamo, playing the role of discussant, after which the audience is invited to join the conversation.

This public dialogue is the first activity of the earlier announced start of an Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership. The Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership is an independent, multi-disciplinary and not-for-profit competence center of the University of Aruba.

The Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership will organize activities for public and private professionals, civil servants, politicians, scholars, administrators and board members, as well as for opinion leaders and the Aruban public at large.

In 2019 the *GG&L will take off by organizing a series of six public dialogues of which this event is the first. Other themes that will be discussed in the context of Good Governance are integrity; public accountability and responsive governance; responsible leadership; cooperation and collaboration in public services; and media, representation and democracy. In due time the *GG&L will extend its activities by organizing seminars, training, research and consultancy. The dialogue will take place on March 6th 2019 from 7:00PM till 8:30PM.

For more information see: or contact the program director, Dr. Mieke de Droog e-mail: