AHATA supports BRA’s reinforcement plan for First Responders in a catastrophe

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Since 2016, Bureau Rampenbestrijding Aruba (BRA) has been implementing a REHAB Plan called “The Thirsty, The Hungry, and The Tired” to reinforce the team of First Responders during a catastrophe.

The goal of the plan is to improve Aruba’s response capacity, so the island recovers quicker after a catastrophe. In a conversation between BRA and Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association (AHATA), it was discovered that BRA would benefit from having a golf cart at their disposal to manage the crisis during a disaster. With a golf cart BRA can transport the response team and various relief items. AHATA went in search of a golf cart within its membership base, and Divi Dutch Village/ Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort offered to restore and donate one of their golf carts to BRA.

With this gift, the First Responders will be well taken care of during a crisis and can effectively do their work. Divi and AHATA coordinated the official delivery of the refurbished golf cart to the Director of BRA, Mr. Rino Hermans. A big thank you to Divi Dutch/Divi Village for their valuable gesture.

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Pictured (from left to right): AHATA representative- Vanessa Rasmussen, Divi Pro Shop Manager- Yanel Olivero, Director of BRA- Rino Hermans, GM of Divi Dutch/Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort- Ferry Zievinger, BRA Representative- Rene Ridderstaat.