Indian couple discovers the beauty of Aruba

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Let us tell you the story of Milana Ram and Himanshu Bhaisare, originally from India, who fell in love with Aruba. Himanshu is from Mumbai and Milana from Bangalore, they met in San Francisco, while they were pursuing their Master’s Degrees at San Francisco State University. She was getting her degree in Electrical Engineering and he in Computer Science. After graduation they found jobs in San Francisco and have been settled there for the past 12 years.

About two years ago, Milana was recruited by none other than the Dutch technical giant Phillips NV and moved to Eindhoven, Netherlands. About every two months Milana would travel to California to spend some time with Himanshu, or they would vacation together somewhere in Europe. The Covid-19 pandemic and the closed borders made that impossible this year.

Love, like necessity, is the mother of inventions. The couple decided to meet where both could travel to, and “googling” they discovered Aruba. Searching for an Airbnb lodging, they found the Guesthouse in the listing of Milagro’s Garden Apartment and immediately booked there. Milana arrived first. Himanshu had to wait two days for the result of the Coronavirus test required of him to travel from USA. Since neither of them is technically on vacation, they ‘work from home’ on their laptop and must maintain close contacts with their offices. Because of the time difference, Milana on several occasions has had to get up at four in the morning to attend virtual meetings with her colleagues in Holland. During the day they do what ordinary tourists do when they come to Aruba. They visit the beaches, they go snorkeling, they tour the island in the car they rented, and they visit the marvelous restaurants. “We have been happy to host these lovebirds from India and we are happy to share with others the story of how they came to visit our island,” says Clyde Harms.